
Make a Difference - Donate Today

It's time to share the love!

Maybe you are a former camper, a parent or just someone who cares about kids having a great experience! Whoever you are, we could use a little help to make sure that every child who wants to attend Camp Aurora has the chance to do so. 

Summer camp is different from every other kind of ministry experience kids are exposed to – don’t get me wrong, they all play an important role. But summer camp offers a few special things for youth like: 


  • Being with peers long enough to form new friendships
  • Having older brothers and sisters they look up to, so they can see their way through whatever it is they’re struggling with
  • Having fun
  • Enjoying our church community without feeling weird
  • And learning from older 2nd gen what the Principle really says and why it makes sense. 


Please consider a donation of any size to help a camper in need

Geneva Point Center is a beautiful site, which we have been using for more than two decades. Camp does cost and it can be difficult for families, especially those with multiple children whose budgets are already stretched thin, to be able to afford the full cost. This is why we are reaching out to our community. 

You may know first-hand the benefits of camp. Camp Aurora ensures an AWESOME experience and youth leave with a sense of belonging. Relationships matter, community matters, and we hope that you can contribute to making this a reality for our kids.

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